Things to Discuss With Your Trainer When Exercising Post Child Birth

The birth of a baby marks the end of pregnancy and beginning of a new phase in your life. As a new mother, you are overwhelmed by all the changes happening within and all around and it is indeed difficult to spare some personal time for yourself. However, this is just the time when you need to pay extra attention to your health, nutrition and physical appearance. Hiring a personal trainer in Lylifield is the best thing you can do for yourself at this juncture. You will feel pampered with all that attention, your body will regain its former shape and strength and you will learn all about how to stay fit and healthy for life.

Exercising Post Childbirth

Pregnancy and delivery are two of the most physically demanding and traumatic experiences of a woman’s life. Delivery especially leaves you exhausted and weak. Adequate exercise, nutritious food and proper rest are the only ways you can regain your former strength and physical appearance.

Always consult your physio prior to starting any exercise programme. He is the best person to evaluate your condition and understand how well you have healed. Exercising without his consent can aggravate any injury (internal or external) and lead to complications.

Generally, it is safe for you to start exercising about four weeks after a vaginal birth and six weeks after a C-section. However, this waiting period can be extended further by your doctor if you have a lot of lacerations or stitches that must heal properly before you can strain yourself physically.

fitness training in balmain

What to Discuss with your Trainer

It is best to discuss certain issues with your trainer from fitness training in Balmain before hiring him as many women have unrealistic expectations that lead to a lot of disappointments later on. Understanding your postpartum body and its limitations and how your trainer can help you will give you a clear idea of your goals and how to achieve them.

When can you Start Exercising

Once you get your doctor’s clearance, talk to your trainer about when to commence the sessions. Your trainer will go through your medical reports and evaluate your present condition and help you set a safe and achievable goal.

How Long will it Take to Regain your Former Body

The truth is that it is extremely rare for a woman to completely regain her post-pregnancy body with firm muscles and taut abdomen. Exercise can certainly improve your looks and help you tuck that jelly belly but it is difficult to achieve that taut look especially when the abdominal region tends to sag.

Usually, it should take you around nine months to one year to tone your body and regain your former looks somewhat. However, this again will depend on how regularly and intensely you can exercise and how much flab you want to shed.

How should your Plan your Meals

Proper nutrition is vitally important for you both during and after pregnancy. Unhealthy eating at this stage will just pile on the fat further whereas improper food will affect your healing process and also the quantity of breast milk you are able to produce. Your personal trainer inLylifieldwill give you a diet plan to follow that will contain all food groups necessary to improve your stamina and immunity. He will also advise you on what to avoid and how to control your indulgences.

Outdoor Training Workouts For Weight Loss

The Green Pages are becoming increasingly popular with people that are looking to lose weight and to keep that weight off. That popularity does not only come from a pure frustration of obese people that seem unable to lose weight although they are constantly on one diet or other. And it doesn’t come only from reality shows that demonstrate how the training can be properly organized. Actually, it also comes from a word of mouth of people who previously had a satisfactory experience with Eastern Suburbs Personal Trainers.

The secret of success partially is due to the fact that weight loss classes are run by professional trainers who know exactly how to design training workouts for a maximum weight loss. They know how to properly mix aerobic exercise such as hiking and running with weight training. Aerobic exercise burns calories and far away, while weight training builds muscle tissue which is important in the long term as muscle tissue uses much more energy even when resting than fat deposits. This means that people with more muscles can actually consume more calories and yet still keep their lean figures.

Outside training classes have another great advantage due to the fact that it permits trainers to design interactive, fun to do activities in the open. This is sometimes the most important element since the fun factor stimulates participants to fully engage in those activities and lose weight at the same time they are enjoying themselves. Usually, people stop doing activities they do not enjoy, so teaching them to enjoy them is crucial.

Equally important, being a part of a fitness class permits people to eat properly as their meals are prepared by professional dieticians. They are given well balanced diet at correct time intervals so that their body does not need to store energy in fat deposits.

Also, attending fitness classes means that people will be isolated from factors that may be causing them to over-eat in the first place such as stress on the job, school, or home. That alone can go a long way in helping people balance their lives.

Furthermore, the best fitness trainers can help their participants to develop working discipline so that they can continue on exercising and controlling their weight long after the camp program is over. They will work hard to help their clients raise their self-esteem usually through positive reinforcement. And proper self-esteem will prevent them to over-eat, hurt themselves and gain back lost weight.

Things to Keep in Mind when Wanting to Build Muscle

It’s very important to understand that muscle build up is the most important part of building fitness and strength in your body. However the road to fitness is littered with mis-information, stress and several problems. You will be exposed to several articles and books each professing a different attitude and differing view point about muscle build up. You need to find your way out of this maze and so follow these tips collected from the best personal trainers in Sydney. You might be wondering who the best personal trainer in Sydney is, keep on reading… all will be revealed!

Continue doing 4 strength training sessions per week
It’s very important to follow the correct consistency and duration of exercise for achieving best muscle growth. Doing too less of exercise will not help muscles grow and over exercising will strain your muscles.

Expert boot camp instructors in Sydney say that 4 exercise sessions per week is ideal when it comes to building muscle power. If you do too less exercise then muscle growth might not happen while doing a lot of hard core strength training will cause muscle strain and will cause a hiatus in your fitness goals. Dan Clay and Dangerously Fit say’s that 4 strength training sessions per week is ideal for your muscle growth goals.

Eat a lot of protein
You will have to eat a lot of protein if you really want to pump up your muscles. Amino acids are the building blocks of all kinds of cells in the body including muscle cells. Protein should ideally form a major component of your diet so make sure you include a lot of lean protein in your diet like fish, tuna, egg white, soya, pulses and lean chicken. Nuts and yoghurt should also be an important part of your diet. For more guidance you can ask your Sydney personal trainer for diet advice.

Get enough sleep
You have to understand that muscle growth can only happen in a healthy body and a healthy body should have adequate rest. Ensure that you put in at least 8 hours of every sleep every night so that muscles are regenerated and revived. Anyway you cannot continue pumping iron in the gym with a tired and listless body. Exercise requires a lot of psychological participation and that’s only possible if you take adequate rest.

Stay stress free
Stress is the number one enemy of all health goals including muscle gain. In fact stress produces hormones like cortisol which promote fat deposition and stop muscles from growing. You need to practice breathing exercises, practice yoga and make an attempt to keep negative thoughts away if you want to gain muscle power.

Stay away from toxins
Stay away from alcohol, fries food and high sugar items in order to maintain a focus towards muscle gain. Don’t consume toxins that slow down your metabolic rate and inhibit your bodily functions. Personal trainers Sydney said that the secret to muscle growth is a dedicated graduated exercise routine with enough rest, positive thoughts and good discipline. Follow these tips and get yourself brawnier! So trust what your trainer says so you don’t have to wonder how to build muscle fast.

10 Workout Tips From Chris Evans’ Personal Trainer

chris evansThere are a lot of articles on how to build a chiseled and ripped body like Chris Evans Captain America but very few of those articles lay it out like below.

I recently came across an article from Chris Evans’ personal trainer himself and here is what he had to say about the process to build a lean and muscular body:

1) Make sure you’re eating at least 1 gram of protein per pound of bodyweight.

2) Weight train 3-4 times per week no more no less. This is the recommended training program. 

3) Eat 6 servings of fruits and veggies per day.

4) Do at least an hour of cardio per day.

5) Sleep at least 8 hours per day.

6) Focus on mobility work as well as lifting.

7) Train for performance, not looks.

8) Make sure you do cardio since Chris Evans needed to do a lot of cardio in the movie.

9) Don’t eat too much estrogen since they boost estrogen levels.

10) Be safe and have fun.

Dan Clay’s Health Tips

Dan ClayExercise: When you reduce your intake of food and go on a fruit-vegetable diet, your energy levels come down, and because of this your physical activities decrease. It is important to note that there is a body mechanism that conserves enough energy when you reduce the intake of calories, which in turn reduces your metabolism rate to a significant level. Food is never plentiful for humans, hence your body develops a strategy and responds to fluctuations. Physical exercise helps keep these fluctuations under control and helps you lose weight effectively. Apart from this, physical exercise increases your appetite. This in turn increases your metabolism rate. But note that, eating junk will not do any good. Worse, it will only hamper your health and all your hard work becomes a waste.

Final Word: Following a proper diet plan is very important to lead a healthy life, of course; but it is of no use if you don’t exercise. If eating clean and healthy foods provide you with all the essential nutrients that your body requires, physical exercise keeps you fit and helps burn that extra fat. Proper diet along with physical exercise goes a long way.

You can find out more about Dan Clay and his Dangerously Fit Bootcamp by checking out his website.